Pelagic Trawl IKMT

Lifetime Warranty
Aquatic Scientific ResearchProduct type:
Trawl NetApplications:
Pelagic Fish Sampling
The main objective of the Pelagic Trawl IKMT is to make more mobile and fast bodies and allowing a faster towing up to 5 knots.
- The IKMT Pelagic Trawl was designed by Dr. John D. Isaacs and Dr. Lewis W. Kidd of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (California) to improve the capture of larger organisms (macrozooplankton and micronekton) and more mobile organisms than those catchable with ordinary plankton nets.
- It has a V-shaped metal lower jaw ("paravane") that lowers the device while keeping the opening wide open at tow speeds up to 5 knots. The upper jaw is an aluminumbar.
- Ropes are sewn along the edges of the net to reinforce it.
- The net opening is shaped like an inverted pentagon to follow the shape of the paravane
- Standard dimensions: Opening: 1 to 4.5 m² The length of the net has a ratio of 3:1 to the opening.
- Requires a V-Lip Tow Frame(Sold Seperately)